Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Price Elasticity Of Demand For Airport Costs - 1574 Words

Market powers and competition Microeconomic theory states that a firm has market power when the prices charged are higher that its efficient cost of production. It is this market power of airports that brings in the need for regulation. The market power of airports has three main components – †¢ Inefficient pricing by airports creates economic losses to the society in terms of deadweight losses. There is also the question of quality of service in the absence of a regulatory environment. †¢ High barriers to entry in this sector increases market power – o Investments made in airports are quite indivisible over the short run. o Incumbent firms can perform better in this market due to the high fixed costs. This provides economies of scale (Baumol et. Al., 1982). o Airports have high sunk costs in the form of building infrastructure. o Network benefits of existing firms make it hard for new firms to enter. †¢ The price elasticity of demand for airport costs is relatively inelastic as airport charges constitute a small part of airfares. These three factors display the market powers of firms in this oligopolistic market. In general, Airports face competition from 4 main sources (Tretheway and Kincaid, 2006). This includes – †¢ Competition for serving a shared local market - This is a geographical competition between airports which are located and have the ability to serve common customers, or overlap customer base at the very least. A trend in the industry has been theShow MoreRelatedSouthwest Airlines and Microeconomics Essay1139 Words   |  5 Pagessupply and demand, elasticity, and their competition in the market. Shifts in the supply and demand for Southwest Airlines within the industry have changed significantly. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis Of The Poem Ode Of Spring By John Keats Essay

In the poem Ode to Autumn by John Keats, my initial thoughts of this work is how the author does a beautiful job describing the season. The way that he makes his words come to life. The poem makes you feel as if you are right there in the midst of autumn. As I read through the poem, it was as if I could inhale the autumn air. I think the thing that I loved most about this piece is the mere fact that it is my most favorite season of the year. When the poem talks about the songs of spring, it tells you to think not of them. In other words, this is the season of autumn and it too has its own songs to sing. We shouldn t rush through this amazing season, but yet slow down and enjoy each moment that it brings us. The Romantic relationship of nature and soul communicated in one of two ways. The landscape was, on one hand viewed as an expansion of the human identity, equipped for sensitivity for man s enthusiastic state. On other hand, nature was viewed as a vehicle for soul just as man; the breath of God fills both man and the earth (Hanson, 2015). Keats stood out in the early nineteenth century Romanticism, a development that embraced the sacredness of emotion and creative energy and privileged the magnificence of the natural world (John Keats, n.d.). In the attempt of bringing old ways to gain new knowledge John Keats wrote the Romanticism style poem, â€Å"Ode to Autumn†. With the many literary devices available to the Romantics, poetry was the most favored (Keats,Show MoreRelatedâ€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty† Essay767 Words   |  4 PagesOf the five odes written by John Keats, this ode was written to show the beauty of love through a work of art. This work of art is a Grecian Urn, one side adorned with a woman being pursued by a â€Å"bold lover† and on the other a priest leading a heifer to be sacrificed. 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This romantic philosophy is portrayed in the works of both John Keats’s Ode to a Nightingale and E. E. Cummings’s Since Feeling is First. Each poet addresses the complex relationship of following one’s emotion and passion as opposed to one’s thought. Whereas Cummings supports living life fully in order to escape the confines of thought, Keats suggests death asRead MoreVictorian Period2321 Words   |  10 PagesRomantic period analysis The beauty of nature and its ability to set you free, the powers of imagination, individuality and a rebellion to tyranny are some of the ideas the romantic period brought to society’s attention. While rejecting neoclassical views of order, reason, tradition, society and formal diction. Romanticism allowed people to get away from the constrained rational views of life and concentrate on an emotional and sentimental side of humanity. The definition of poetry by

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Food Craving free essay sample

Background of Study Introduction â€Å"A way to the man’s heart is through their stomach†. No one can resist a good food. Through the years that had passed and as our life goes on, we all know that food is one of the basic needs of human kind. Many different foods, cuisine that comes out but we Filipinos are mostly hooked up in a fast food chains. Are you ever bothered in eating in a fast food? Do you want to know why we Filipinos are hooked in a fast food chains? Then great! We all have answers for your curious mind.This study is conducted to inform the beneficiary and can be used for future reference for others things such as educational paraphernalia and the likes. Statement of the problem Major Problem The reason why Filipinos crave for fast foods. Even if we have difficulty when it comes to financial needs, why do we still want to spend our money eating in a fast food chain? A statement that most of Filipinos said, â€Å"Then you don’t wanna miss a delicious chicken joy from Jollibee†. This problem relates to all of us in our social life and also the status of business economy in our nation. The scope and the depth of the problem is measured by our respondents. Specific Problem Why do Filipinos crave for fast food? In what specific reason.? What specifically is a typical Filipino taste? Significance of the Study To the youth. They’ll know that not all fast foods are healthy. Because fast food is high in sodium, saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol. Fast food also lacks many of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals our bodies need. Kids ages 7 to 12 should eat about 2,200 calories per day. But with a single fast food meal, comprise almost a full day’s calories. To the elderly. They’ll know that eating fast food for too much over a long period of time can lead to health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. Adults should consume around 2,000 calories per day. They must know that with fast food, moderation is important. And also some fast foods cost expensive yet not healthy and delicious, then it’s just a waste of money. Methods and sources of dataThis term paper was conducted at the library the researchers make use of books, magazines and internet for the information needed and for the answers to the researcher’s major and specific problem the researchers also conducted a survey and distributed a survey form. What became our sources? The researchers use the books from the library to be their primarily source as well as the internet. These things help the researchers to conduct the study. Scope and Delimitation of the Study In this study, we have gathered some  statistics  about youth and elderly ages 16-55, who had an experience eating fast food.This study is focus on why Filipinos crave for fast food. This study also shows the advantages and disadvantages of fast food. The researchers did not, however, focus on  those who are in age of 1-15. This study didn’t focus on how much is the rate of fast food. Conceptual framework Types of Location Sanitation Primary cause or factors of craving Reasons why Filipino crave for fast foods Fast food Craving History Definition Types Definition Primary cause or factors of craving Sanitation Types of Location Definition of Terms Ascendant. Dominant, superior, or influential. Cognitive. Having a basis in or reducible to empirical factual knowledge.Contractive. Tending to contract; having the property or power or power of contracting. Covet. To wish for longingly. Detoxify. To counteract or destroy the toxic properties of. Disperse. To cause to vanish or disappear. Dispute. To question the truth or validity of. Eloquent. Characterized by persuasive, powerful discourse. Endorphins. Any of a group of peptide hormones that bind to opiate receptors and are found mainly in the brain. Endorphins reduce the sensation of pain and affect emotions. Excruciate. To inflict severe pain on. Expansive. Capable of expanding or tending to expand. Glucose.A monosaccharide sugar, occurring widely in most plant and animal tissue. Genre. A type or class. Immense. Of boundless or immeasurable size or extent. Laundering. To wash, fold, and iron. Opioid. Any of a group of substances that resemble morphine in their physiological or pharmacological effects, especially in their pain-relieving properties Quay. A wharf or reinforced bank where ships are loaded or unloaded. Sensory. transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers. Serotonin. An organic compound, formed from tryptophan and found in animal and human tissue,stimulation of the smooth muscles, and regulation of cyclic body processes.Shed. To diffuse or radiate. Vigorous. Marked by or done with force and energy. Yearn. To feel deep pity, sympathy, or tenderness. Summary of Data Craving A  food craving  is an intense desire to consume a specific food, stronger than simply normal  hunger. According to Marcia Levin Pelchat It may be the way in which foods are consumed rather than their sensory properties that leads to an addictive eating pattern. † There is no single explanation for food cravings, and explanations range from low  serotonin  levels affecting the brain centers for appetite to production of  endorphins  as a result of consuming  fatsand  carbohydrates.Foods with high levels of sugar  glucose, such as chocolate, are more frequently craved than foods with lower sugar glucose, such as broccoli because when glucose interacts with opioid system in the brain an addictive triggering effect occurs. The consumer of the glucose feels the urge to consume more glucose, much like an alcoholic, because the brain has become conditioned to release happy hormones every time glucose is present (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Food_craving). Definition Craving is an instant need of a person for satisfaction and the desire to satisfy an under inner need.Satisfaction is derived from the Latin word â€Å"sanus†, meaning â€Å"sound and healthy† or clean and whole (Wiley, 1997). Crave or Craving is a strong, urgent and persistent desire, pine for, sigh for, wish for, hope for, desire, want, long for, yearn for, hunger for, thirst for, hanker after, have a fancy for, have a yen for, lust after, covet, required, need (Thesaurus, second edition). Types Disputing Expectancies. Urges are, in essence, positive expectations. When we crave something, we expect it will create a pleasurable state, or reduce an unpleasant one.Urges are myopic, they can only see advantages. You must shed some light on your craving to effectively control it. One good way to decrease the potency of an urge is to focus on its negative consequences. Distracting. Some urges are so relentless that talking back to them doesnt work. Good old-fashioned distraction is sometimes the only medicine that can pull your thoughts away. Distraction can be cognitive, in the form of some mental exercises, or behavioural, in the form of an alternate activity. Decatastrophizing. Especially early in your change efforts, cravings can seem excruciating.Everything you see can remind you of your habit. If you smoke, every room you enter may bring to mind the image of a cigarette and associated pleasure. The inability to satisfy the urge can lead to frustration and inner statements like, I cant stand this! or There is no way I will be able to live without giving in. Ill just go crazy! Statements like this can be overwhelming (selfhelpmagazine. com). Fast food When people all over the world are looking for a quick, easy meal to grab on the go, fast food is the common solution.With the efficient service, low prices and casual atmosphere, fast food seems like the ideal all-American choice. In fact, over 25 per cent of Americans consume fast food every day. Fast food does not have to be unhealthy, but most of the time it is; consumers often order foods with more fat, calories, sugar and sodium, and less nutrition and vitamins than is necessary. According to this Google map, there are close to 50,000 fast food chains across the United States, with McDonalds being the largest restaurant chain. In the world, there are more than 500,000 fast food places.Kids between the ages of 6 and 14 eat fast food 157,000,000 times every month. Ninety-six percent of kids in school could recognize an image of Ronald McDonald, the face of McDonalds. The only recognizable figure that ranked higher was Santa Claus. To top it off, Americans spend nearly $100 billion on fast food every year. Most people dont consider fast food as their healthiest option. While there are some ways to eat a well-balanced, nutritious meal at a fast food restaurant, the unhealthy options are more common and more appealing. Often, someone can consume all of the calories they need for the entire day in one sitting at a fast food restaurant but not all fast food is bad. Today, more and more fast food restaurants are offering healthier options and new menu items (http://www. pamf. org/teen/health/nutrition/fastfood. html). Definition Fast food generally refers to the type of restaurants that sell quick, inexpensive take-out food. During a relatively brief period of time, the fast food industry has helped to transform not only diet, but also landscape, economy, workforce, and popular culture (Wiley, 1997). Restaurants are usually a chain that serves quickly prepared foods. A type of food that is serves in a restaurant (Webster Encyclopedia, Deluxe Edition). Fast food  is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a  restaurant  or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for  take-out/take-away(Merriam Webster). History The essence of fast food lies in its fast service and availability of ready cooked meal.As urban development became a phenomenon in the 20th century, especially in the US, people got busy in their works and the culture of eating outside in restaurants and food outlets gained immense popularity. Food is a basic necessity. The industry which deals with preparing food items/products refers to the food service industry. The food service industry is and will always remain in high demand because of its genre. The extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been obsessed by fundamental changes in society. The concept of ready-cooked food for sale is closely connected with urban development.In  Ancient Rome  cities had street stands that sold bread, sausages and wine. In the cities of Roman antiquity, much of the urban population living inmulti-story apartment blocksdepended on food vendors for much of their meals. In the mornings, bread soaked in wine was eaten as a quick snack and cooked vegetables and stews later in the day. A simple type of eating establishment. In areas which had access to  coastal  or tidal waters, fast food would frequently include local  shellfish  or  seafood, such as  oysters  or, as in London,eels. Often this seafood would be cooked directly on the  quay  or close by.The development of  trawler fishing  in the mid nineteenth century would lead to the development of a  British  favourite  fish and chips, and the first shop in 1860. A  blue plaque  at  Oldhams Tommy field Market marks the origin of the fish and chip shop and fast food industries in Britain(manilareviews. com/2010). Sanitation Clean as you go. The biggest positive step management can take in the field of sanitation is to make employees conscious of cleanliness, as soon as the cleaning crew disperse and the regular employee understands that they must clean as they go, the cleaning work becomes much easier.In a medium-sized restaurant with 35 employees, they plan to have the cleaning done by the regular staff together with some professional help on the more difficult jobs. Employees in a fast-food avoid hand work as much as possible by using self-cleaning and easy-maintenance equipment. Cooperate with health departments. The second positive step in sanitation is to cooperate fully with all cities, county and state health departments with the National Sanitation Foundation.Cooperating with the health departments means not only meeting design and layout requirements but the following regulations from day to day, because the basic rules for sanitation have been developed over the years to protect the food service operator as w ell as the public. Purchase and receipt of food. Individual portions of food once served to a customer shall not be served again. Building facilities. All rooms which food is stored, prepared or served, utensils are washed, toilet, dressing and locker rooms and garbage storage areas shall be well ventilated and cleaned.Employee regulations. No person while affected with any disease in a communicable form or while a carrier of such disease shall work in any capacity in a food service establishment and all employees shall wear clean outer garments. Employees shall not smoke or use tobacco in any form while engaged in the preparation or service of food or while handling any utensils or equipment. Sanitation procedures. All walls and ceilings including doors shall be kept clean and in good repair. Uniform shall be kept in suitable containers until removed for laundering.All parts of the establishment shall be neat, clean and free of litter and rubbish (Kahrl, 1973). Types of Locations Major traffic arteries. These locations usually develop because a high concentration of traffic moves through the area, and usually carries more than 15,000 cars in a 24-hour period. Various food facilities, like fast food is concentrated along traffic roads. Fast food sections, given right demographic, benefits, generative study, and eating-out food amount, flourish here. Near shopping centers and commercial concentrations.This kind of location is attractive, it does not assure success, because considerations, such as competition, demographic characteristics, and access and escape, must be appropriate. Major multiple-use generative concentrations. These may vary from regional shopping centers to major office developments to hotels, industrial parks, and mixed-use developments. Primarily, found in downtown areas, now, this type of location is around always in the suburban areas. Dense-urban areas. These are commonly in the central city or in lower suburban communities with eloquent quantity of population. Numerous fast food operators have raise many assets in locations on major traffic roads within the dense-urban environment. Highway interchanges. Food facilities are placed on open highways, around major interchanges of limited access expressways, or on service roads near to major freeways. Open highway location usually attracts customers from a broad area, especially in rural areas. This is primarily extensive since driving time is more important than distance. Although highway locations mostly provide a very broad area, but these usually have a lower number of customer visit.It can be unhealthy for a fast food operation. It is necessary to select the right interchange and to maintain adequate access and outlet. Major malls and shopping centers. Enclosed malls commonly offer greater potential because they protect against severe weather. One of the critical particular factor in determining whether to enter a major mall is the placement within the mall. It is precisely accessible to be in the proper mall, but in the inaccurate location. Well-planned food courts with a meticulously chosen group of fast food operations have completed very vigorous. University areas. Generally concentrated in resident universities or college areas and towns. Massive student bodies, who have a strong adaptation towards fast food menus, usually found a profitable market for such an operation if the section is appropriately positioned. Several fast food service have based units in student unions, because of steep industry turnover and low interest. Industrial areas. Sometimes, a fast food facility is placed inside or at the primary entrance or exit to a major industrial area or park. Such food facilities generally are daytime and early evening operations.Lunch is commonly the primary meal, result from the after-work crowd. Special locations. A broad range of situations can create special locations. Among the possibilities are tourist, seasonal, scenic, amusement, water-oriented, comedy clubs, and food facilities and stall in airports, railroad stations, and some bus terminals(Melaniphy, 1992). Fast food satisfies the taste of more Filipinos. More Filipinos crave for fast and cheap foods that are high in fats and cholesterol. More Filipinos crave for fast food during lunch time. 71% of our respondents know that fast foods are unhealthy. More Filipinos prefer to eat fast foods. Fast food is the choice of more Filipinos. Only 22% of our respondents are not satisfied in fast foods. Conclusions Primary cause or factors of craving 1. Lack  of  primary  food. Being  discontented  with  a  relationship  or  having  an  incorrect exercise  routine(too  much,  too  little  or  the  wrong  type),being  bored, stressed, uninspired by a job, or  lacking  a  spiritual  practice  may all cause emotional eating. Eating can be used as an alternative for entertainment of to fill the empty of primary food. 2. Water.Lack  of  water  can  send  the  message  that  you  are  thirsty  and  on  the  limit of  dehydration. Dehydration  can  show  as  a  mild  hunger,  so  the  first  thing  to  do when you get  a  craving  is  drink a  full  glass  of  water. Excess  water  can  also cause cravings, so  be sure that  your  water  intake  is  well  balanced. 3. Yin/yang imbalance. Certain foods have more yin qualities (expansive) while other foods have more yang qualities (contractive). 4. Inside coming out. Often times, cravings come from foods that we have recently eaten foods eaten by our ascendant or foods from our childhood.An expert way to satisfy these cravings is to eat a healthier version of one’s ancestral or childhood foods. 5. Seasonal. Often the body craves foods that balance the basis o f the season. In the spring, people crave detoxifying foods like leafy greens or citrus foods. In the summer, people crave cooling foods like fruit, raw foods and ice cream. 6. Lack of nutrients. If the body has insufficientnutrients, it will produce unusual craving. 7. Hormonal. When women experience menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, changing testosterone and estrogens levels may cause unique cravings. 8. De ­evolution.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Military Equipment free essay sample

Why it is Important to maintain Accountability of Government Property Keeping accountability of your sensitive items is extremely important. Losing any piece of military equipment is a sever mistake that should never be made. Some things are a lot more important than others and need to be kept secure at all times. Losing a sensitive item can cause problems for a lot of people; the soldier who lost it, that soldiers team leader, squad leader, and the unit in as whole. It also puts the security of the post in danger and causes a threat.The soldier that lost the sensitive item depending on the item will have possibly made himself mission incapable. Also he could be putting himself at risk of United Sates Code of Military Justice action and possibly being discharged from the United States Army with a less than honorable discharge or a dishonorable discharge. A dishonorable discharge from the United States Army would pretty much ruin any chance a soldier has of getting a well paid job after his time in service. We will write a custom essay sample on Military Equipment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If a soldier loses any type of sensitive item and the item is not found or reclaimed then the soldier will be responsible for the paying the United States Army back for the lost equipment which can cost a whole lot of money. The soldier that lost the sensitive item’s team leader will be responsible for ensuring that the soldier knows what his mistake was and will ensure that his corrective training is assigned and completed in a timely manner.The team leader will also have to deal the fact that his soldier may now be mission incapable which will put the team leader’s team mission incapable. With a team out of operation in a squad it will put a strain on the rest of the teams and cause the platoon to be less than one hundred percent prepared for any situation that may arise. A squad leader that is in charge of the soldier who lost the sensitive item will now have to deal with all the problems that may arise from the situation. If a soldier was